She needs your prayers

Biff, Oct 2014 Newsletter, ResizedImagine walking when your brain’s ability to process sensory input lags behind, like when audio and video are out of sync on your TV. Imagine an unstable world where focusing the words on a page is nearly impossible and you have no down dial for volume or brightness; where there are unrelenting headaches, dizziness and nausea, and your heart constantly races 50% faster than normal because your nervous system is just trying to keep up.This is the life our 16-year-old daughter Elizabeth has lived for the past two years since suffering a concussion playing field hockey.

Since then she has endured testing and treatment from many doctors and therapists and has tried meds, therapies and treatments we had never even heard of. The past several months have been filled with appointments and exercises we are to do with her. At this point, school is nearly impossible for her since she can’t read, use the computer or concentrate for more than a short time without worsening her headache. She needs your prayers.

On Monday, October 13th at 5:00 p.m. we are inviting a couple of pastors from our church to anoint Elizabeth with oil and pray with us for her. Would you join us on that day through prayer and fasting for her? You can fast from a meal, all your meals or anything else you are willing to fast from. Jesus said that some things are only accomplished through fasting and prayer. We are not trying to persuade an unwilling God, nor are we attempting to obligate Him by the number of people praying or because of our fasting; we are crying out to a loving Father who created and knows Elizabeth and has good plans for her.

Please pray for:

  • complete healing of Elizabeth’s brain
  • Elizabeth to allow God to use this trial for good in her life
  • wisdom for the doctors and therapists treating her now
  • the provision and direction to seek further treatment for her

Your prayers and support allow us to serve!  Thanks!

Please review our prayer page and support needs and lift up our ministry to the Lord.  Click the following:  Oct 2014 to  print a hard copy newsletter.

5 thoughts on “She needs your prayers

  1. Rick and Karen,

    Jim and I prayed for Elizabeth after dinner tonight and we will continue to pray. I also will plan to pray and fast on the 13th of October. I know this really is hard on you all to see your daughter suffering like this for so long and it not getting better. I pray there will be a breakthrough soon and you will be blessed and encouraged.

    We love you all and pray and think of you a lot.

    Keep us posted,

    With love, Marijo


  2. Praying The Lord will bless and heal Elizabeth. I have read that coconut oil is really good for the brain both in cooking and smoothies. Much love to your family, Kim

    Sent from my iPhone


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